Publications arising from 2019 Dragon Tails Conference

At the end of 2021, a special Roundtable inspired by the 2019 Dragon Tails Conference, Translation and Transformation, was published in the New Zealand Journal of History (Vol 55. No. 2). Three of our fantastic participants in the 2019 Conference were published in this issue.

As the 2019 Conference co-convenors and NZJH 'guest editors', Grace Gassin and Karen Schamberger provided a short contextualising introduction to the Roundtable, entitled 'Translation and Transformation: Exploring Histories of Chinese Diaspora in Aotearoa New Zealand' (p. 51-52). 

The three featured papers are:

Ya-Wen Ho, Sydney Shep, Duncan Campbell, Nigel Murphy, Recovering and Revitalizing Verse of the Diaspora: The Example of Wellington Bamboo Branch Songs (p.53-83).

Louise A. Stevenson, ‘A Kind of “Middleman” Between the Foreigner and his Chinese Brethren’: The New Zealand Chinese Miner Diaspora in the History of Ko Tong Hospital, South China,1898-1917 (see p.84-107).

Julia Bradshaw, ‘A Disgraceful Affair’: Chinese-European Relationships in Otago and Southland to 1910 (p.108-133).

Further proceedings from the 2019 conference will be published on the Dragon Tails Association website through 2022.